Elementary (K-4) & Intermediate (4-8)
Monday, June 9 – Thursday, July 3
No School on June 19
Anyone interested in volunteering at Summer School or one of our Summer Camps, fill out the form below. Our volunteer coordinator will contact you closer to the summer to confirm.
Incoming K-8 grade students can explore their interests in a fun, relaxed, project-based summer learning environment. Our course options include English, math, foreign language, experimental science, robotics, coding, music, dance, theater, art, sewing, science, martial arts, tennis, yoga, animation, film-making, martial arts, proficiency, and more!
Incoming 9-12 grade students can explore their interests and gain advanced credits in classes or recover a grade for high school graduation and college admissions.
SPEF High School course options include:
Advanced Credit in History, Biology, Economics, Health, Psychology, Civics, Graphic Design, and Transition Math class. High School Recovery classes include Math, English, Sciences, History, and World Languages and other classes are available through an online curriculum.
SPEF Summer High School is an independently operated Summer Program accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). Per the SPEF board and SPUSD board-approved agreement, SPEF Summer courses use the South Pasadena High School (SPHS) facility and standards-aligned curriculum. Summer School is optional. Students do not need to take Summer School to graduate. If you have questions about your scheduling, please see your counselor.
SPUSD students that need to take grade recovery classes. This year, 2025, SPUSD will cover the cost of your recovery classes. Not all classes are available to recover during the summer. If you have any questions about recovery, please contact info@spef4kids.org.
Registration Portal Information
NEW This year – Registration will be by grades/campus:
K-4 AV Campus Wednesday, March 5, 9am
Gr.4-8 MAR Campus Thursday, March 6, 9am
Gr. 9+ SPHS Campus Friday, March 7, 9am
Use your SPEF account to register for Summer school 2025: www.SPEF4kids.campbrainregistration.com
New Families to SPEF Programs can create a family account now, and be ready when Registration opens.
Registration Portal Information:
Payment Information
Payment in full or commitment to a payment plan is expected at the time of registration. There are various payment options at check-out.
Changes & Refunds
SPEF offers Summer School classes based on confirmed Registration. Changes to your student’s registration affect SPEF scheduling and material purchase decisions. By registering in a class with SPEF, you are confirming that you have read and understand SPEF’s change and refund policies.
Wait List | Full Classes
SPEF will make every effort to provide additional classes; unfortunately, it is not always possible to meet the demand for a particular class when the class becomes full. Go to the SPEF programs page, click on the ‘Waitlist for Full Classes’ button and complete the waitlist form. Here is information about the waitlist process:
First Day of Classes
We will email you Thursday before the start of Summer school with information about your student’s first day of Summer school, including:
Online Curriculum for Grades 9-12
Taking advanced credit or recovery classes during summer school is not required. Contact your student’s counselor to discuss programming options.
SPEF Summer School will be in-person for Summer 2023. But, many of our families have enjoyed the flexibility of being able to use the Edgenuity platform and continue their summer learning online. Many of our classes will be available via online and some classes will only be available online based on enrollment and teacher interest.
The Edgenuity online class has the same rigorous curriculum as the regular class. Each day in Summer School roughly equals about one week in the regular school year.
Edgenuity online curriculum with a pacing plan and supervising teacher will be an option for students/families that can’t commit to the attendance policy or they need a Recovery class where enrollment will most likely be low. Edgenuity will be used for these classes:
The Edgenuity digital learning platform will include direct-instruction videos featuring curriculum and content experts who explain concepts, model strategies, provide examples, and make real-world connections. Students will complete tasks that check for understanding. They can also pause or rewind videos to take notes or review concepts as they progress through instruction at their own pace as long as they complete the class within the 5-weeks.
There are classes available but not listed. If there is a class not listed that your High School student needs to take, either an Advanced Credit Class or a Recovery Class you can register for Class Not Listed, either the full year or the single semester. Then email us with the class needed.
Tuition Assistance
SPEF recognizes that some families may need assistance for their students to attend Summer School. Each year SPEF sets aside funds to assist families in need.
Submit all paperwork, supporting documentation and printed online enrollment. Incomplete applications will not be evaluated. Enrollment in classes is subject to registration procedures and availability.
The Tuition Assistance Application is located in the Forms section of the Summer School page.
Attendance and Absence Policy
High School Summer School Attendance and Absences
The State has requirements for attendance in class to receive credit for the class. SPEF or admins cannot be flexible with this. In order to satisfy class requirements, students must be present and on time each day.
Intermediate Summer School Attendance and Absences
Elementary Summer School Attendance and Absences
Drop-Off | Pick-Up
Our priority is keeping your children safe. To aid in this please follow these Drop-Off & Pick-Up instructions specific to the school your child attends.
Intermediate | SPMS Campus (incoming Grades 5-8)
Our priority is keeping your children safe. To aid in this, please follow these instructions:
Elementary | Marengo Campus
Our priority is keeping your children safe. Please follow these Drop-Off & Pick-Up instructions:
Students may arrive at school no earlier than ten minutes before the beginning of their first class.
Audit, Textbook, Withdrawal & Grade Withhold Policies (High School)
Withhold Transfer of Grade
High School Summer School Attendance and Absences
The State has requirements for attendance in class to receive credit for the class. SPEF or admins cannot be flexible with this. In order to satisfy class requirements, students must be present and on time each day.
Cafeteria | Lunches
California is NOT continuing Universal Free Meals, so meals must be paid for during Summer school. Other snacks will need to be purchased. If desired, non-SPUSD families can set up an account and add payment so their students can use a PIN at lunch. PIN Request Google Form. If you plan to request a PIN,
All School Sites: During SPEF Summer School, lunch times are not staggered as during the regular school year. Lines, especially the first week of Summer School, can get long as students learn a new system. Having students pack and bring their lunches will help prevent any anxiety your students might experience.
Elementary Cafeteria
Intermediate Cafeteria
High School Cafeteria
Technology & Internet Use
SPEF recognizes the educational value of using electronic information services for communication and information access and encourages the use of such resources to enhance learning. However, due to the cost and sensitivity of computer equipment and given the unregulated nature of material found on the Internet, the rules for usage must be understood by all SPEF Summer School users, employees and students.
Rules and Regulations:
1. The user, in whose name an electronic information services account is issued, is responsible for its proper use at all times. The user shall keep personal account numbers, home addresses, and telephone numbers private. The user shall use the electronic services only under her/his account name.
2. The District’s electronic services shall be used in support of education, business, and research and/or within the educational professional roles and responsibilities of the District.
3. The user shall not use the District’s electronic information services to encourage the use of drugs, alcohol or tobacco, nor shall she/he promote unethical practices or any activity prohibited by law or District policy.
4. The user shall not transmit, download, communicate, or store material that is threatening, obscene, disruptive or sexually explicit, or that could be construed as harassing or disparaging to others based on their race, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion or political beliefs.
5. Copyrighted materials may not be placed onto the system without the author’s permission and the permission of the system administrator. In addition, no computer programs shall be uploaded to or downloaded from District computers without permission from the District.
6. All communications and computing equipment are the property of the District. As a result, users are not allowed to alter the configurations of individual computing devices without prior permission from the District.
7. Vandalism (including alteration of individual machine configurations) will result in cancellation of the user’s privileges. Vandalism includes creating or distributing malware or maliciously attempting to harm District equipment, District materials or another user’s data.
8. The user shall not attempt to interfere with other users’ ability to send or receive electronic mail, nor shall she/he attempt to read, delete, copy, modify, or forge other users’ email or files.
9. The user is expected to keep messages brief and use appropriate language.
10. In accordance with legal requirements, SPEF and the District reserves the right to gain access to all information stored in District computers, or accessed, used, or retrieved by any user and, where appropriate, disclose and disseminate such information.
11. Violation of these rules and regulations may result in the loss of user privileges or other disciplinary action including possible student suspension/expulsion or employee termination. There are no refunds for SPEF Summer School for violation of these rules.
Extended School Year | ESY
Extended School Year (ESY) is run through the District’s Students Support Services office. Please contact them at (626) 441-5810 ext. 1143 if you have questions regarding this program.
SPUSD Extended Daycare Summer Camp
SPEF does not offer daycare before or after Summer School. The South Pasadena School District does offer extended care on the same campuses as SPEF’s K-8 Summer Schools. If in SPUSD Summer Camp, you can only attend SPEF Summer Periods 123. If your student is in both SPEF Summer & SPUSD Summer Camp, it helps if you write this on your student’s Summer school lanyard. Visit Extended Day Summer Camp to find out more about this program.